联想手表 app for iPhone and iPad
Lenovo Watch不仅是一款智能手表类App,更是个人行为数据服务系统。它更侧重于个人行为数据,并希望通过收集、整理、过滤、分析、反馈、汇总、比照和交互,对个体的效率管理、健康管理、个人偏好、工作生活行为进行统计提炼,并在一定程度上提供干预性建议,让大数据更好的为个体服务,支持将运动数据写入苹果健康中心。
Lenovo Watch is not only a smart watch App, but also a personal behavioral data service system. It focuses more on personal behavioral data and expects to statistically refine the individuals efficiency management, health management, personal preferences and work-life behaviors through collection, collation, filtering, analysis, feedback, aggregation, comparison and interaction and, to a certain extent, Provide interventional advice to make big data better for individuals and support writing exercise data to Apple Health.